Mandairon, Nathalie Ferretti, Casara Jean Stack, Conor M. Rubin, Daniel B. Cleland, Thomas A. and Linster, Christiane 2006. Cholinergic modulation in the olfactory bulb influences spontaneous ...
An edited version of that discussion follows. In your book, you talk about the "Jennifer Aniston neuron" and what that experiment taught us about memory. Schwartz: The Jennifer Aniston neuron ...
Studies on humans have generally been less definitive than those done on animals because it is substantially more difficult to record the activity of a single neuron in human brains. However ...
Motor neuron disease usually refers to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, but it can also refer to other kind of neurodegenerative disease that affect the motor neurons, such as progressive primary ...
Gut bacteria may be playing a role in motor neurone disease, according to early studies in animals and people. Experiments show some species of bacteria - and the chemicals they make - change the ...
Together, Dr. Pappas explained, these findings suggest torsinA controls where NPCs are ultimately placed during a critical period early in neuron development—a step that appears key to healthy ...
Regular and strenuous exercise increases the risk of motor neurone disease in people who are genetically vulnerable, say scientists. The team at the University of Sheffield said nobody should stop ...
Receptor in the skin detects a stimulus (the change in temperature). Sensory neuron sends electrical impulses to a relay neuron, which is located in the spinal cord of the CNS. Relay neurons ...
Fresh concerns have been raised over the safety of contact sports after experts uncovered evidence that young rugby players who suffered head injuries were at risk of deadly motor neurone disease.
Motor neurone disease (MND) is a group of diseases with multiple causes, rather than a single disease with a single target. This is likely to have major implications for potential MND therapies. We ...
Keenan, Elizabeth 2010. Spasticity management, part 3: Surgery and the use of intrathecal baclofen. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, Vol. 6, Issue. 1, p. 12.