Given its higher financial leverage and high dividend payout ratio, SoftBank is the most leveraged way for investors to invest in the Japanese telecom market. If the Japanese mobile market can ...
SoftBank Group CEO Masayoshi Son plans to borrow $16 billion to invest in AI, the company's executives told banks last week, ...
Mobile network operators conducted training for the installation of shipboard base stations from March 4 to 6, while ...
SoftBank’s enterprise services revenues (mobile, fixed line, business solutions ... In addition, SoftBank and OpenAI are establishing a joint venture (SB OpenAI Japan) to “accelerate the deployment of ...
Japanese telco SoftBank, who has been very bullish about the AI-RAN opportunity ... “This demonstration of concrete solutions through the integration of AI and mobile network technology has ...
SoftBank Group Corp. — a Japanese holding company in the field of telecommunications, marketing, finance, etc. The company includes divisions of SoftBank (mobile communications, Internet and ...
JX Advanced Metals Corp. cut the proposed price of what will likely be Japan’s biggest initial public offering since 2018, ...
SoftBank Group booked a profit of 2.17 trillion yen from its investment operations in the April-December period, thanks to a rise in shares in American wireless network operator T-Mobile US Inc ...
Nissan’s topped the Japan CDS rankings at a time when Rakuten’s spreads tightened on the back of improved earnings from its mobile operations and SoftBank’s project finance plan helped ease ...