Stephen Colbert donn ed a skintight speedskating suit last ... (Finding: He really does have a great, thick head of hair.) Colbert is taking a midday break in his punishing production schedule, ...
Stephen Colbert played an unhinged football coach on Tuesday to illustrate ... Timmy, you knit me a scarf out of your own hair. The rest of you, I don’t know, I don’t care. Maybe lay on the grass and ...
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It goes: pet the puppy, tousle your nephew's hair, and hail a cab ... Musk's salute played once more, before Colbert started the show in earnest. You can watch Stephen Colbert's monologue in ...
He's made it clear he considers Stephen Colbert an enemy and has insulted the comedian's talents. Giving Colbert a meaningless ambassadorship gets him out of Trump's hair. On the other side ...