Former President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. But nearly eight years since he left office, some social media users continue to baselessly claim he was born in Kenya.
While family names do get passed down from woman to woman, it's less common to see a generational suffix added to a girl's ...
President Donald Trump was contemplating, and, as he often does, set off a firestorm. Gaza is, he said, “literally a ...
President Donald Trump is often at his best when he discards conventional wisdom and what the experts say is the only solution to any given problem. That was clearly the ...
US President-elect Donald Trump will soon begin his second term in office with unpredictable consequences for the rest of the world, writes Hussein Haridy In a few days from now, the United States ...
Socialist Alternative’s Omar Hassan is roaming around al-Qaeda controlled Syria, presenting its imperialist-backed takeover ...
Barack Hussein Obama, and his leftist Jewish government comrades and partners in crime.” —2013 column for WorldNetDaily entitled “Ethical Decline of Liberal Jewish Intelligentsia” “This country ...
Did some anonymous decision-maker working from what president Barack Obama derided as the mindlessly ... Kaiser Wilhelm II played a crucial role in ensuring that Germany was outnumbered and ...
According to Lina Khatib, a fellow at Chatham House, Russia’s involvement in Syria began in earnest during the Barack Obama administration ... preventing his fate from mirroring that of Saddam Hussein ...
Bush, the goal was "to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction," but they were never found, and also to "liberate the Iraqi people" from Saddam Hussein. The war caused ... economy of half the world ...
Trump has regularly insulted and attacked the Obama family, referring to the former president as “Barack Hussein Obama,” as part of a ‘birther’ conspiracy, while his comments about people ...