That's when they report and I think the stock could be weaker." Sunoco: "I like motor fuel business very, very much... [buy, buy, buy!]." Get top local stories in Southern California delivered to you ...
California's suit followed the pattern set ... Monday began five years ago when the city and county of Honolulu sued Sunoco and 14 other major oil and gas producers, alleging a failure to warn ...
As crews investigate and repair a leaky underground Sunoco pipeline in Upper Makefield Township, related developments continually unfold – like numerous calls by elected officials for a complete ...
SB 222 comes after the U.S. Supreme Court, in Sunoco v. Honolulu on Jan. 13, let stand lawsuits by Hawaii, California and other states seeking damages from climate-change damage allegedly caused ...
Looking at Sunoco specifically ... One more comment on Europe there might even be a parallel with California where, at least in the United States, it's one of the most stringent low carbon ...