Guatemala is vulnerable to the effects of climate change which is forcing its indigenous people further into poverty.
Many residents heard the volcano awaken before it violently erupted; its column of lava and ash was seen for miles as it lit ...
Women from the La Paz community in central Guatemala cross a bridge built to ... to be able to continue doing this with the support of people from Ireland.” Chris O’Connell, a policy adviser ...
Guatemala is failing to prevent and address ... Click to expand Image Underreporting of sexual violence, poor data management, and a lack of coordination between government institutions has ...
"They’ve been told by coyotes and different people that you can just ... human traffickers" and that half of Guatemala still lives in extreme poverty with little education.
Really, really basic things that many people's lives were ... Maya communities in Guatemala. Locals have said climate change has pushed them further into poverty and now they do not have enough ...
Haga clic aquí para leer en español. Walking into La Fruta Loca, you’re greeted by rows of large stuffed bears lining the ...
In Chicago, the resources available to Guatemalans have not kept pace with their population growth. Few organizations offer ...