Following the success of its initial deployment, Andelyn is now expanding microsegmentation policies to additional sites and use cases. The ability to enforce least-privilege access dynamically, ...
Android 16 in beta form has landed on a major milestone today by reaching platform stability. Android 16 Beta 3 is here and ...
Google announces Android 16 Beta 3, bringing accessibility tools along with it. It brings a feature that allows low-vision ...
There are still a bunch of new things being added to Android 16 beta 3, however. Google has made a point of mentioning new ...
With the launch of iPhone 16e, we also saw the launch of something far more important — Apple's custom C1 modem. Here's what means and why you should care about it.
Volt Typhoon’s ten-month intrusion of Littleton Electric Light and Water Departments exposes vulnerabilities in the US ...
TCL’s Linkport ($96) is a small, portable USB-C modem that connects a single device to T-Mobile's 5G network. The Linkport is ...
At the Command Prompt window, type ipconfig then press Enter. You will see a lot of possibly confusing numbers and words, but ...
Yesterday, the UK’s High Court of Justice of England and Wales (EWHC) issued an approved judgment ruling on the scope of a ...
As a step towards a useful and ultra-secure quantum internet, researchers have created an operating system that coordinates ...
Chinese hackers are deploying custom backdoors on Juniper Networks Junos OS MX routers that have reached end-of-life (EoL) ...
The Chipolo One Point earned high marks in our review, being a no-nonsense smart tag that did what it promised. It's easy to ...