At his Wednesday audience, when he’s in good health, Pope Francis hosts the “Sposi Novelli,” inviting newlyweds from around ...
Pope Francis' approach to LGBTQ issues marked a major, if mixed, shift in tone for the Catholic Church -- from scorn to ...
Dear Pope Francis, my husband is cheating on me, is it right to always forgive him?” A Catholic woman named Catia wrote an ...
The problem of marriage in modern society has been central to Pope Francis’ agenda throughout his pontificate. He has addressed the matter with a characteristic focus on mercy and reform ...
Pope Francis has been known for his down-to-earth leadership, support of marginalized communities and interreligious dialogue.
No, Pope Francis does not have a wife or children because the Catholic Church requires popes to practice celibacy − the abstinence of sexual relations and marriage. It is unknown who will ...
Almost from the start of his papacy, in 2013, Pope Francis signaled that he was more ... “But I don’t like his views on same-sex marriage.” Mr. Dozzi considers himself a traditionalist ...
As Pope Francis, the oldest pope in over a century ... In 2015, Eijk helped pen “Eleven Cardinals Speak on Marriage and the Family: Essays from a Pastoral Viewpoint,” which staunchly opposed ...