What's the best way to wake a giant after a long nap? "Very carefully, and with a lot of planning," said a grinning John ...
What's the best way to wake a giant after a long nap? "Very carefully, and with a lot of planning," said a grinning John ...
Deep inside what we perceive as solid matter, the landscape is anything but stationary. The interior of the building blocks of the atom's nucleus -- particles called hadrons that most of us would ...
Because used nuclear fuel can be recycled several times through a fast nuclear reactor, it is worth more than gold.
Data collected by the SAMURAI spectrometer at RIKEN's RI Beam Factory (RIBF) in Japan recently led to the detection of a rare ...
Scientists at CERN have measured quantum entanglement in quarks at record energy levels.
Abstract: Nuclear science fundamentally explores the formation of protons and neutrons from elementary particles and the interactions between them. One successful model describing this is the nuclear ...
At the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, the world's largest particle accelerator, an experiment called ATLAS has just found ...
At the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, the world’s largest particle accelerator, an experiment called ATLAS has just found ...
Scientists have measured the strange quantum phenomenon of entanglement in top quarks, the heaviest fundamental subatomic particles known. It’s the first detection of entanglement between pairs of ...
One of the most surprising predictions of physics is entanglement, a phenomenon where objects can be some distance apart but ...