In early September, a Category 17 super typhoon made landfall along the Chinese coast, striking the region at a speed of 60 meters per second.
The findings revealed that the the Martian mantle's active processes may be fueling the growth of Olympus Mons, the largest ...
Researchers working in the field of agrivoltaics are studying how to combine solar farming with grazing, crop production or ecological restoration.
New proposed space missions, led by the University of Leicester, will study stellar impacts on planets and Earth’s ...
SundayGrids is a win-win for solar enthusiasts, but a clause could be misunderstood as an investment return. Here is what ...
The City of Victorias in Negros Occidental is harnessing solar power to deliver water supply in one of its communities as a ...
An enormous plume of magma is slowly but steadily rising underneath Mars and could one day provoke an eruption of the solar system's tallest volcano.
For energy stalwarts, a radically different mindset is required to deal with what is fast becoming a very different world. As ...
During testing, each square meter of the device produced an impressive two to three liters of water per day in the summer.
Saturn's moon, Titan, is the only other celestial body we know of where long-lasting reservoirs of liquid pool on the surface ...
"Our observations indicate the presence of powerful iron winds, probably fuelled by a hot spot in the atmosphere." ...
New all-sky survey by the MeerKAT radio telescope shows the universe as expected at large distances - unlike previous ...