Similarly, Willkie Farr & Gallagher announced, on February 8, the launch of its Munich office, which is co-led by Germany ...
Even after repeated queries from PGH Group, no legal substantiation of the clawback claims could be obtained from the lawyers Strelia Sarl, Carey Olsen Hong Kong LLP and Willkie Farr & Gallagher ...
Willkie Farr & Gallagher picked up a six-lawyer team of real estate lawyers from Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld. The managing partner of Willkie's Dallas office, which opened in May 2024, said ...
Willkie, Farr & Gallagher picked up three partners from Mayer Brown. New partner Jason Linder will also chair the firm's FCPA practice. Both Linder and incoming partner Sonali Patel have extensive ...
Law firm Simpson Thacher & Bartlett recently scooped up four senior attorneys from Willkie Farr & Gallagher as partners to work on registered funds, an umbrella term for the growing array of ...
Wendell L. Willkie waited until he was back in Manhattan last week to give his answer to a question topmost in the mind of many a U. S. businessman: Is war socializing British industry?
Das Polizeipräsidium Frankfurt am Main ist die größte von sieben bereichszuständigen Polizeibehörden im Bundesland Hessen. Mit seinen vier Direktionen für die Bereiche Kriminalität ...
Frankfurt (ots) - (yi) Am gestrigen Dienstag (11. März 2025) kam es in einer S-Bahn Linie zu einer Auseinandersetzung zwischen vier Personen. Ersten Erkenntnissen zufolge befand sich der 39 ...
Frankfurt (ots) - (bo) In der Nacht von Samstag (8. März 2025) auf Sonntag (9. März 2025) nahm die Polizei einen Mann fest, der zuvor in einen Kiosk einbrach. Nach bisherigen Erkenntnissen ...
Welcome back to the Big Law Business column. I’m Roy Strom, and today we look at how one firm entered multiple new legal markets. Sign up for Business & Practice, a free morning newsletter from ...
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP’s disqualification as bankruptcy counsel for brand manager Franchise Group Inc. is a lesson for Big Law firms that ethical walls and conflicts counsel won’t always solve ...
US-based law firm Willkie Farr & Gallagher has increased salaries for newly qualified (NQ) lawyers in its London office, a 6 percent increase. As of February 2025, NQ pay rose to £175,000, up from ...