A new study mapped how the brain responds to rapid hormonal changes during pregnancy, which could explain a wide range of experiences that pregnant women have, according to experts.
A new study challenges long-held beliefs on human brain preservation across millennia, shedding light on surprising findings.
Emily Jacobs’ lab at UC Santa Barbara have shed light on this understudied area with the first-ever map of a human brain over ...
A physicist has unveiled a baffling new theory to explain human consciousness, a phenomenon that has evaded scientific ...
Researchers from Osaka University studied the neurological control applied to human walking that maintains the correct ...
Neuralink's Blindsight isn’t just restoring vision; it’s redefining what it means to see, pushing human perception beyond ...
Scientists have captured one woman’s cognitive evolution into motherhood, taking repeated brain scans over three years to ...
By Varuni Ganepola Birds build nests. Spiders spin intricate webs. Dogs bury bones. The salmon swims upstream. Babies suckle.
When I was a small boy, I was adopted. Many years later, I went in search of my biological family, but for my sister Betsy it ...
Scientists discovered a link between copper regulation and neurodegeneration, using the worm gene swip-10. Their findings suggest that restoring copper balance could offer new treatments for disorders ...
In Episode 60 of the Sky High column, Prahasta begins the story of how Ravana got the Pushpaka Vimana, as Meghnat and his ...
Onward Medical today announced the third successful implant of its ARC-BCI brain-computer interface offering to restore ...