In tempi turbolenti e stressanti, il miglior modo per rilassarsi è con una fiaba – questa volta, una fiaba diretta in modo ...
Dopo 17 anni di attività in Serbia, la compagnia tedesca Draxlmaier Group, produttore globale di cablaggi per l’industria ...
By Dr Aleksandar Mitić Scientific associate at the Institute for International Politics and Economy, member of the Compass project Ukraine could become a member of the European Union before 2030, ...
After 17 years of operating in Serbia, the German company Draxlmaier Group, a global manufacturer of wiring harnesses for the ...
A large student and civil protest took place in Niš. In front of thousands of people gathered in the central square, students ...
Una grande protesta studentesca e civile si è tenuta a Niš. Gli studenti, davanti a migliaia di persone nella piazza centrale ...
At a meeting with over 60 company directors and owners, the first in a series of meetings between company representatives and ...
Che il breve periodo di selezione e le trattative con gli attori principali scelti per i ruoli nello spettacolo in stile ...
In turbulent and stressful times, the best way to unwind is with a fairy tale -this time, a spectacularly directed one, ...
That the brief casting period and negotiations with the main actors selected for roles in the latest cabaret-style ...
A workshop on building the necessary human capacity for nuclear energy has already been held in Serbia, while another ...
US sanctions against the Petroleum Industry of Serbia (NIS) were scheduled to take effect after midnight US time, which ...