Pope Francis' approach to LGBTQ issues marked a major, if mixed, shift in tone for the Catholic Church -- from scorn to tolerance and acceptance.
Francis has weighed in publicly before on ethics for end-of-life medical situations, but it is unknown whether he has made known his own wishes should he face such a crossroads.
The Vatican has not announced Pope Francis is resigning, contrary to online claims. Further, his successor would be elected by Cardinals, not Francis.
Pope Francis continued his slow recovery from double pneumonia on Thursday, beating back speculation of an imminent death, resignation or conclave and signaling that he was still very much in charge, albeit in a weakened state.
As Pope Francis remains in critical condition at Gemelli Hospital in Rome - still in charge of the Vatican and the worldwide Roman Catholic church - millions of the devout are praying for his full recovery,
The Vatican has detailed laws and rituals to ensure the transfer of power when a pope dies or resigns, but not when he is sick
Cardinals, according to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), are bishops and Vatican officials from all over the world who are personally chosen by the pope. They are recognizable by their red vestments and they elect a new pope when the time comes.
The changes Francis brought to the papacy were more than skin deep. He opened the church to the outside world in ways none of his predecessors had done before.
Germany’s Catholic Church has sharply criticized a carnival float made for a big street parade in the western city of Cologne that linked Jesus with the church abuse scandal.
CHIPPEWA FALLS, Wis. (WEAU) - Progress is being made to an addition at Notre Dame Catholic Church in Chippewa Falls. Last August, the church tore down its convent to make room for an annex to the Goldsmith Adoration Chapel.
This small park used to be home to the first Catholic Church for African Americans west of Baltimore, served by the first openly Black priest.
While the Vatican has detailed laws and rituals to ensure the transfer of power when a pope dies or resigns, they do not apply if he is sick or even unconscious.