Untrained New York National Guardsmen are in harm's way after Gov. Kathy Hochul deployed them to prison duty after a correction officers "wildcat strike," a state Republican lawmaker told Fox.
The language in the listing included terms — like “settler colonialism,” “apartheid” and “genocide” — that Jewish groups said were offensive when applied to Israel.
Gov. Kathy Hochul had a blunt response to a federal order to stop tolling Manhattan drivers, saying, "We are not turning off the cameras."
A group of anti-Israel protesters shut down Gov. Kathy Hochul's press conference outside the City University of New York.
More than 50 elected officials, unions, developers, nonprofits and trade groups signed on to a letter for mixed-use development at the state office campus.
President Trump's attempt to end NYC congestion​ will be top of mind for New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and the MTA board today.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul ordered CUNY to remove a Hunter College posting for a "Palestinian Studies" professorship that would have focused on topics like "apartheid" and "genocide."
Manhattan Assembly member Tony Simone is urging the Hochul administration to revise its plans for the Penn Station megadevelopment.  He proposed increasing the number of residential units to as many as 4,
An ongoing wildcat strike by correction officers who staff more than 30 New York prisons could soon be over after the guards’ union reached a deal with Gov. Kathy Hochul’s office Thursday night. The mediator-negotiated deal suspends aspects of the HALT Act,