Emirates continues to operate over half of the world's Airbus A380 Superjumbos with a total of 118 in inventory (of these, 95 ...
Airbus was looking for a new aircraft design for a market of hub to hub travel. They saw that millions of passengers needed to fly between continents and that major hub airports like New York and ...
The Airbus A380 made its first commercial flight in 2007. Eighteen years later, the largest commercial airliner ever is still a sight at the world’s largest airports. And while the number of ...
(Boursier.com) — Un pas de plus. Airbus aurait engagé Goldman Sachs pour le conseiller sur la création d'un champion européen de l'industrie spatiale destiné à mieux concurrencer SpaceX ...
UK-based start-up Global Airlines’ first Airbus A380 has arrived in the Portuguese city of Beja, having departed Dresden where the aircraft has been undergoing heavy maintenance. The jet has ...
A rush hour crash on the A380 in Devon was causing delays for drivers this morning, Thursday, February 6. The northbound carriageway was partially blocked near Splatford Split, with miles of ...
Airbus Helicopters is evaluating four Indian states for a production line of H125 helicopters with TASL, boosting the Make-in-India initiative. Airbus Helicopters has shortlisted four locations in ...
PARIS, Jan 21 (Reuters) - The CEO of Europe's Airbus (AIR.PA), opens new tab has told staff that the group ended 2024 in better shape than it feared when cutting profit targets last summer ...
By contrast, “Airbus’ achievement in the A380 was mainly to be able to build something that big,” says Buchholz. Other than that, the A380 was structurally fairly conventional." One of the biggest ...
En octobre 2006, Airbus annonçait que les retards de livraison de l'A380 occasionneraient 2,8 milliards d'euros de pertes d'exploitation cumulées liées jusqu'en 2010. L’arrivée d’Airbus sur ce marché ...
L'A380 utilise une architecture avionique modulaire intégrée (AMI), utilisée initialement dans des avions de chasse tels que le F-22 Raptor et l'Eurofighter Typhoon et basée sur des logiciels COTS.