Children playing in school yards to be infected by dirty needles and get HIV,” a frustrated Swan River Mayor Lance Jacobson ...
Patients in Washington D.C. and San Francisco had minimal early uptake and adherence to doxycycline post-exposure prophylaxis (DoxyPEP) in studies presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and ...
Out of more than 37,000 people screened during the first 2 years after implementing universal screening in 2019, the ED ...
Even as overall syphilis numbers go down in the state, more and more babies are being born with it — particularly in rural ...
The COVID-19 pandemic transformed over the past five years from a catastrophic threat that has killed over 7 million people ...
According to SIPH, testing for STD's takes only a few minutes and test results will be available to people before they leave their appointment.
Stakeholder engagement to support the development of an STBBI strategy in Alberta for the next five years, with an emphasis on syphilis.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), also known as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or venereal diseases, are infections spread primarily through ...
Here’s what ESR scientists have been learning about national rates of the big three: chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis.
Men were more likely to be diagnosed with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) last year, mainly due to unsafe sexual ...
Recent policy directives from the White House seek to compel actions that are contrary to widely accepted standards of ...
As STD rates have risen across Britain, safe sex experts point towards troubling changes in contraception trends linked to ...